We read one of our favorite spooky books recently, The Taily-Po. Afterwards we decided to pick up our spirits by thinking about what makes us BRAVE.
Sage: Monsters don’t bite me.
Ripley: When I get the Taily-Po.
Mila: I’m not scared of anything cause things that are scary are not too scary to me.
Otto: Riding the bike cause I ride and I get more trained at it. I don’t even ask a grown-up.
Ollie: There was a spider on my foot but I was brave about it.
Henry: I’m brave of climbing that tree. When my Momma gives me a hug goodnight I’m brave the whole night.
Link: My momma and my nana.
Elliot: I do this but not scared of it: backwards sitting on the hill.
Malcolm: Mama and Dada
Louis: When I’m climbing the tree I feel scared and my mom throws up my lovey and then I feel calm and I don’t say ‘I need my lovey’ again.
This topic was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by Sally Chakwin.